When it comes to the sweltering, humid summers and the ever-fluctuating winters of Southeast Georgia, a functioning, powerful HVAC unit is essential to maintaining the comfort of the residents of Georgia. When the outside temperature runs high, you’ll want to stay...
HVAC Blog Articles & News
Ducted AC vs Ductless Mini Split AC? Which You Should Choose
When there are so many types of air HVAC systems available on the market, determining the best one for your house can be an arduous task. The benefits and drawbacks can be a challenge to sort through. Thankfully, the experts at Deal’s Heating and Air know how to take...
Types of AC units & How to Choose One for Your Home
The Georgia heat rages on as summer rapidly approaches. Is your AC not cooling like it used to? Is it time to replace an old machine? Or are you just thinking of adding a new system to your house? With the variety of air conditioning units available, picking out the...
5 Reasons Why Furnace Repair is Not a DIY Job
Many homeowners and business owners know the importance of performing simple HVAC maintenance tasks, like regularly changing the air filters. This is an easy D.I.Y. solution for helping your systems run smoothly and efficiently. Even though an air filter change is...
4 Benefits of HVAC Maintenance this Fall
As the weather starts to cool off in SouthEast Georgia, it is essential to have HVAC maintenance performed on all your heating systems in preparation for the colder months to come. Having your furnace or heat pump checked before the coldest winter months can...
6 Air Conditioning Services Will Keep Your House Cool
Summer is right around the corner, so it is time to consider these air conditioning services to ensure you are cool and comfortable in your home all summer. Having these services done on your home’s air conditioner will allow for a more effective cooling system...
5 Questions to Ask About an HVAC Installation
A new HVAC installation may be warranted if you have heating and cooling issues in your home or office. Although a replacement may be needed, the process can cause many questions and concerns. Maybe you are wondering what size unit you need or if repairs will be...
5 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repair
After a winter of keeping your house warm, your heat pump technology may not function as well as it once did. Though it often goes unnoticed, the heat pump is the central system that heats your home. Many residents do not pay it the attention it deserves, resulting in...
5 Tips for Choosing a Company for HVAC Repair Service This Winter
As the winter months usher in the cold, there is no better time to consider HVAC repair servicesthan now. Winter brings holidays and, with them, family. Waking up one day to discover thatyour heating system or heat pump isn’t functioning is the last thing you want...
Getting Colder? Time for Heating Repair in Statesboro, GA
In Statesboro, GA, it’s rare for the weather to fall below freezing. Of course, just because something doesn’t happen often doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be diligent and prepared for the possibility. As we move toward winter and the temperatures begin to lower, residents...